Garanti BBVA
data for the last 1 year
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1,234 görüntülenme - 3 years ago
Garanti Bank gives an error in the foreign exchange transaction.
I cannot make foreign exchange purchase and sale from Garanti Bank. I want the problem to be solved as soon as possible. I am hurting because of your face.
1,253 görüntülenme - 3 years ago
Garanti Bank does not provide ease of payment
Although we cannot pay the credit card debt that we cannot pay almost all private and state banks, we even agree to collect the interest of (!). Garanti Bank pushes even the salary customer to ignore it. Really enormous (!)…
1,298 görüntülenme - 3 years ago
Garanti Bank is constantly raising the credit card limit
Garanti Bank is constantly raising my credit card limit even though I have no request. I find it hard to solve the problem when I call