ID: 7457657349264

There is a complaint

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S.E 1 month ago
I ordered 4 boots, 3 of them arrived, I liked the ones I bought for my daughter very much. The boots I bought for my wife had red details on them, I commented that they sent the plain black ones, not the ones I bought for myself. The fit of the one I bought for myself was distressed and it was a little tight, but I did not return it. I commented that my daughter would wear it next year. They are never open to criticism. Both of the comments not published. I wrote that the boots I bought for my daughter are perfect for this price, so there is no problem with that. If I can't comment on the product I bought the way I want, then why are you opening the evaluate the product button? Well then, fool everyone, don't accept bad comments, it should always be filled with good people, people are collecting money from the streets, I will write about this everywhere, if necessary, what does it mean to not publish comments, as far as human rights are concerned?

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